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Slovenian Catholic Center

from left: Tina Hozjan Ruda (Current SCC President), Martin Hozjan (SCC President Emeritus), Dana Blase, Emily Blase, Robert Zudic

We knew that he would be there to support the challenges that we faced as well as celebrate the accomplishments.

At the Center’s 18th Anniversary celebration on Sunday, November 10, 2013 Martin was recognized and celebrated for all his accomplishments.

Martin was presented with a crystal gavel with the following inscription: 

Martinu Hozjanu  
V zahvalo in priznanje za vztranost,  
Dvaindvajsetletno vodenje Slovenskega kulturnega centra,  
In predanost slovenski skupnosti ter njenemu sožitju in rasti.  
Slovenska skupnost, ki se zbiramo v Lemontu

Many thanks to you Martin, and especially to your family for their support as well as their time and talents! We wish you well and look forward to seeing you enjoy your reitrement playing tarok, bocce ball, and sharing a drink with your friends….Na zdravje!  

SCC Leader honored for many years of service

Thank you doesn’t seem enough when acknowledging someone who has spent 22+ years devoting his time and effort to work with teams of people to promote our Slovenian heritage through his leadership, perseverance, and dedication to bring to life the vision of building a place where Slovenians could gather and feel at home.

In June 2013, Mr. Martin Hozjan, the President of the Slovenian Cultural Center since January 27, 1991, chose to retire. Over the years, many of us have had the honor and pleasure of working with Martin.